Hotel room cleaning (Daiwa Roynet Hotel Toyama Ekimae) 9:45-14:15

Hotel room cleaning (Daiwa Roynet Hotel Toyama Ekimae) 9:45-14:15


・You can work even if you can't speak Japanese well.
・The hotel is within 5 minutes walk from the station.
・Commuting by car or motorcycle is OK.
・ The company will pay transportation and parking fees.


  • 雇用形態
  • 職種
    Hotel room cleaning
  • 仕事内容
    Hotel guest room cleaning
    ・bed making
    ・clean the bathroom
    ・vacuum the floor
    ・place new amenities and towels in the correct position
    ・collect the trash from the trash can
    ・wipe the desk.
  • 勤務先
  • 住所
  • アクセス

  • 給与

    Transportation expenses will be paid separately
  • 勤務時間
  • 休日・休暇
    We ask your request for days off when creating a work shift.
    If you have children, you can take a sudden day off.
  • 待遇・諸手当
    Uniforms provided
    Training provided
    Transportation expenses provided
    Paid holidays
  • 応募条件
    We will check whether you are qualified to work in Japan
    Only for those currently living in Toyama City

    ・No educational background required
    ・No experience required
    ・housewives/househusbands are welcome
    ・Side job is ok
    ・you can apply with friends
  • 担当者より
    Please feel free to contact us regarding this job.
  • 採用までの流れ
    Please use the application form here.
    Click ”応募する(Apply)” to proceed to application form.
    After applying, you will receive a call from the person in charge.
    Only one interview, no resume required
